Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Q" Gives back...

Quincy and his family decided to have a packing party with their guests and 
"Give Back"

What a great idea!

Here is what the sign said:

Help us pack for the Ark's Hanukkah Wish List

The ARK Sarnoff Levin Residence - JUF/JF Patnership
A Jewish transitional housing for homeless families in Chicago

The Hanukkah wish list for the shelter include: blankets, pillows, sheets, towels and sundry bags filled with toiletries.

These items are being donated by Quincy and his family so Jewish families in a time of need can stay in a safe and clean environment, enabling them to get back on their feet.

The primary goals of the residence are to stabilize clients' situations, minimize the trauma of homelessness, and ease the transition into permanent or second-stage housing as efficiently and effectively as possible

With bright, clean rooms, nutritious meals and holiday celebrations, the residence serves as a "home away from home" - a source of shelter, support and the warmth of our caring Jewish community.

This boy will go far in life with a heart like that-

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